Three photos of students working and smiling

Title I and the School-Parent Compact

Title I is a federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. Its goal is to help all students receive a high quality education. Title I provides extra support to those students who are furthest from meeting the state academic standards.

The School-Parent Compact

A School-Parent Compact is a written agreement that outlines how all members of the school community (Administrators, Teachers, Support Staff, Parents and Students) will share the responsibilities for improving student academic achievement and the means by which everyone will build and develop a partnership to help students achieve the state standards.

Compact responsibilities

Our DCIP and SCEPs

Targeted planning is an essential component of the district and school improvement process and is accomplished in the development of the DCIP (District Comprehensive Improvement Plan) and SCEPs (School Comprehensive Education Plans). 

Annually, the City School District of 91福利导航 convenes a group of stakeholders to review our progress in achieving the goals of the DCIP and to plan next steps for the upcoming year; the schools conduct a similar process at the building level.  The DCIP goals are centered on district support for the schools to reach their academic and social-emotional learning goals for students.