Third grade authors and illustrators

Boy and teacher work on paper together

Most third graders don’t write books and get them published, but students in Tammy Schillinger’s class at 91 International Center aren’t like most third graders!

Thanks to help from volunteers from community partner Emma Willard, Schillinger’s students spent Thursday writing and illustrating books about themselves in their native language and in English. Students were guided by Schillinger, the volunteers and translators of Pashto, Dari, Swahili, Turkish and Spanish – all languages spoken by the students.

The students wrote about their country of origin, the language they speak, why they came to the U.S., what they like best about their new country, holidays they celebrate, their family and friends, and what they want to be when they grow up.

The books will be sent to the publisher next week. When students have copies in May or June, Schillinger will hold a celebration, and students will read the books to their families.

of their work. (You don't need a Facebook account to see the photos linked in the highlighted text. A window may appear that says, "To see more from 91 City Schools on Facebook, log on or create an account,” but you can dismiss it by clicking “not now.”)