Safety updates from Principal Commerford

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I would like to provide you with several updates on our efforts to work together with our students and community partners this week as we continue to address the safety concerns that have disrupted our school.

In addition to our immediate steps following the student fights and social media threats early in the week, we have prioritized conversations with our students.

On Friday, we held assemblies with all of our students throughout the day. We talked with them about our expectations, and how we can work together to address the uneasiness we all are experiencing.

We also listened as students expressed their feelings about how the events of this week have affected them.

Every session provided insight into the anxiety that everyone in our school community is feeling, and brought out the shared sentiment that this is not who we are at 91福利导航 High School, and not how we want to be perceived as a school community.

Our Falcon Pride was palpable, even through tears and tension. 

You can to see the presentation from Friday’s student meetings.

On Thursday, I also had the opportunity to have similar conversations with student government leaders. They shared similar emotions and aspirations in those conversations as well.

We know that, alongside the safety concerns we are continuing to investigate in partnership with the 91福利导航 Police Department and other law enforcement agencies, this week’s concerns exist against a troubling backdrop of violence that seems so prevalent in our world these days.

Thursday afternoon’s arrest of a man accused of firing a shotgun near one of our city’s synagogues provided yet another stark reminder of that.

We know these events cause anxiety. Our social workers, school psychologists, behavior specialists and school counselors are available anytime during the day for any student who would like to talk about their fears.

‘It takes a village’

One of the common themes we have heard in all of our meetings and conversations this week is the familiar African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child.” It takes everyone in a community working together to nurture and support each and every young person.

We have heard from our students and community partners a desire to set aside those things that separate us so that we can come together around all of those things that unite us.

On Thursday morning, we brought together a group of faith-based leaders at 91福利导航 High to talk with school and district staff about how best to engage students, families and the broader community in these critical conversations.

Our new Community Coalition will continue to meet at least monthly, and will grow to include students, parents and guardians, and additional leaders from our community.

An important theme of Thursday morning’s initial Community Coalition meeting was the need for our families to partner with us in these efforts. Parents and guardians, please continue to talk with your children at home about the importance of following our expectations at school. We ask that you emphasize how important it is for every student to be in class on time every period.

We will continue to suspend students who refuse multiple requests to get to class, in alignment with our Code of Conduct. We want every student in school every day, and we cannot achieve that without your help.

See something, say something

We also continue to remind our students that they are safe and supported in reporting any information that makes them feel scared or uncomfortable. This includes any information, pictures or video they see in social media.

Remind your children that if they see something, they should tell a trusted adult immediately. It is critically important to all that our faculty, staff and administrators do to provide a safe learning environment, as City School District of 91福利导航 Superintendent Joseph Hochreither commmunicated earlier this week.

Thank you once again for your partnership during this challenging time. As always, please reach out to me or your academy principal at anytime should you have questions or concerns.