2023-24 budget information

Thank you, 91福利导航!

Voter approval for the City School District of 91福利导航’s budget proposal reached 80% for the first time in history May 16, overwhelming support for a $307.3 million plan that will maintain all current programs and services, including those added during the pandemic.

Voters approved the 2023-24 budget 1,611-403 in unofficial results, topping the previous record approval rate of 78% from a year ago. It is the eighth time in nine years the approval rate has topped 70%.

Voters also provided strong support for Proposition #2, a proposal to invest $9 million from a Capital Reserve Fund to offset inflationary costs on the 91福利导航 High School construction project. That proposal also will have no additional impact on taxes.

You can read more about the vote in this news story.

Contract for Excellence

The City School District of 91福利导航’s 2023-24 Contract for Excellence plan will continue efforts to improve student achievement.  It also will build capacity to serve students in high-needs schools across the district.

The total contract amount is $3,950,357 for 2023-2024 which is an increase from prior years due to the full phase-in of Foundation Aid increase. For more information, visit our Contract for Excellence page.

Presentations and resources

Looking for a detailed breakdown of the proposal? You can download the complete 2023-24 budget statement.

Voting information

For more information on voting in our school budget and board elections, please visit our voting information page.

Community Budget Committee

The Community Budget Committee participates in the district’s budget-development process with a goal of providing input to the Board of Education on community priorities and areas residents would like to see resources directed for the upcoming school year.

The process allows committee members to work alongside district employees to develop an understanding of district revenue sources, mandated programs and services, and resource allocation in support of the district’s vision, mission and goals.

Budgets from prior years